About Me

I am currently a NASA Hubble Fellow at Princeton University. Before joining Princeton, I was a CITA National Fellow at McMaster University from 2021 to 2023. I earned a B.S. in Physics from Tsinghua University in 2015 (advisor: Charling Tao), and a Ph.D. in Astronomy from the Ohio State University in 2021 (advisor: Adam Leroy).

As an astrophysist, I would like to understand the physical processes that shape the interstellar medium, control star formation and clustering, and regulate galaxy evolution. While I specialize in long wavelength observations (millimeter, radio, IR), my research has used observations across the entire spectrum as well as "synthetic observations" from numerical simulations. More to follow on my research page!

If you understand Chinese, here is a podcast episode in which I talked about my research at a semi-accessible level and described my overall career path and experience in astronomy.

In my leisure time, I love listening to classical music, with Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, and Mahler among my favorite composers. I also enjoy traveling, playing racket sports, watching anime, and reading.

Check out my CV

Contact me

Email: jiayi.sun@princeton.edu
Address: 110A Peyton Hall
4 Ivy Ln, Princeton, NJ 08544

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